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Technical Committee

In the process developing the technical program Tekna collaborates with key personnel working in the oil and gas industry. The members of the technical committee possess first- hand knowledge and experience within the topic that trust the quality of the content that trust the quality of the content.

Technical committee
Chairman for 2025, Harald Drejer, Shell,

Henrik J. Fosså, Vår Energi
Martin Lillo, Aker BP
Morten Marstein, Measurement Solutions Norway
Kjetil Haukalid, Equinor
Asle Hvidsten, Vår Energi
Børge Olafsen, Aker BP
Astrid Marie Skålvik, UiB and NORCE
Kristine Strømme, Gassco
Steinar Vervik, Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Ole Øiestad, Intertek West Lab
Douglas Griffin, North Sea Transition Authority
Colin Lightbody, TÜV SÜD
Bruno Pinguet, P and Associates, Malaysia
