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About the conference

The preferred conference for those working with seabed mapping and survey related to Oil and Gas, Renewable Energies and Seabed Minerals

"Seabed mapping and inspection is becoming increasingly relevant to many industries, and the need to meet and collaborate is an important part of industry innovation.

The energy shift is on everyones lips and offshore wind and other enery resources are beeing dicussed and developed, such as geothermal energy and Subsea Mining.

The conference brings together a wide range of aprofessionals working within the Oil&Gas and Renewabl industry, who willingly share their knowledge and experiences. Through presentations and discussions in an informal environment, new insights will be shared and gained, and we will better understanding the industry's future challenges and opportunities in light of the ongoing shift.

Tekna and the program committee encourage anyone who has something valuable to share or discuss with colleagues to contribute.

We hope to receive a high number of abstracts for the program 2025.

Read more about the topics Submit your abstract
