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Contact Tekna

How can we help you? Below you’ll find commonly asked questions and how you can get in touch with us. Please use the form at the bottom of this page.  
Phone: (+47) 22 94 75 00 
Mailing address: PO 2312 Solli, 0201 Oslo 

Head office visiting address: Dronning Mauds gate 15, Oslo
Tekna meeting rooms: Ingeniørenes hus, Kronprinsens gate 17, Oslo

Frequently asked questions

Please log on to your My profile account to update your contact information, report your education details and/or current job status, apply for dues reduction, etc.

If you don’t have a Master’s degree comprised of 120 study points in a STEM subject (science, technology, engineering or mathematics), but still feel you’ve acquired similar competency from continuing education and/or work experience, you can apply for special admission through Tekna’s Admission Council.

By becoming a Tekna member, you’ll be part of a large and valuable professional network comprised of knowledgeable academics in the fields of science and technology.

You’ll have the opportunity to attend courses and member events for both socialization and professional development. Tekna also gives you access to salary statistics and helps you during salary negotiations.

You can get help to look for a new job, review your employment contract and get legal advice if you have any questions or problems concerning your employment situation. It’s also possible for you to get help for any private legal issues you might have.

Tekna provides members with good offers and discounts on both insurance and banking services.

If you’re self-employed, Tekna has specially designed plans for banking, insurance, legal help and mentoring.

Membership includes a subscription to Teknisk Ukeblad. If you’re going to work abroad, you can get a free guest membership in one of Tekna’s partner associations in the Nordic countries and Australia.

Read more about member benefits.

In order to join Tekna, you must have completed a Master’s degree (or hovedfag/civil engineer degree) comprised of a minimum of 120 study points in a STEM subject (science, technology, engineering or mathematics), or be a student planning to complete this type of education.

If you have a foreign educational background that differs from the Norwegian academic model, you can apply to receive recognition from NOKUT which confirms that your degree corresponds to a Norwegian Master’s degree.

It’s also possible to apply for special admission through Tekna’s Admissions Council.

We usually answer you within two days, but during busy periods it might take a little longer to get back to you.

You can do this by logging on to My Tekna. Your user name is your registered e-mail address.

If the information appearing on "your profile" about your education is incorrect, and you’re unable to change this information yourself, let us know by sending in the contact form.

Of course you can! When you recruit members, you help expand Tekna’s network – and you get a great prize, too. Recruit new members here: tekna.no/verving

To cancel your membership, fill out a cancellation form (in Norwegian) on My Tekna.

If you’re a regular employee, the membership cost is NOK 4, 860 per year (2022 rate). In addition, you pay annual dues between NOK 144 and NOK 300 to your local branch. Your dues will be charged starting the month you become a registered member.

Students pay NOK 150 per semester.

Read more about dues/dues reductions here

Our standard billing is to send semi-annual e-invoices/invoices in January and June each year. If you join in November, you will receive an invoice that covers the month you became a member and the remaining portion of the current year.

If you wish to change the payment frequency, you have the option to set up a direct debit (AvtaleGiro) with monthly payments through "My Profile" once you have an active membership.

Tekna gives dues reduction options to people who are experiencing different life situations.  

You can see if there’s anything that applies to your situation here.

You can set up eFaktura and AvtaleGiro accounts on your online bank. Choose Tekna from the drop-down accounts and services list and type in both your eFaktura reference: 00 + your Tekna member number, or type in this account: 1503.71.57829 for AvtaleGiro.

You can also set up an online payment agreement on My Tekna.

We usually send out invoices twice a year in January and July, but you can also choose to pay in quarterly or monthly installments. If you want to make monthly payments, you must first set up an AvtaleGiro or eFaktura account.

You’ll get reminders by e-mail, regular mail and – finally – telephone. If you have an outstanding balance that hasn’t been paid in the past twelve months, your membership will be cancelled. 

This is because eFaktura accounts do not belong to any one bank, which means that an eFaktura account will appear in all of your online banks up to the point it is activated. When this happens, it’ll appear in the bank where it was activated.

We’ve sent you an eFaktura account because you’ve selected "Agree to all payees" in your online bank. When you sign an eFaktura agreement with all payees, it means that the invoice from us will appear in your online bank (and maybe in Vipps) instead of in the mail.

If you want to stop the «Agree to all payees» service, do this in your online bank.

It costs NOK 150 per semester for students.

You’re a member until the actual date you cancel your membership. Your student membership automatically turns into a regular membership as soon as you confirm that you’ve graduated.

You can choose between home contents insurance or theft insurance (PC/mobile/tablet). In addition, every student receives a disability insurance policy.

If you want to change your insurance policies, you can do this yourself on My Tekna. Please note that after the first time you make any changes, you have to wait 12 months before you can do so again.

More about student insurance policies (in Norwegian).

As a registered student member, you can log in on My Tekna to see your insurance policies.

Tekna has student groups at many colleges/universities around the country, as well as at foreign universities. You are a member of your local student group (even if they might not be physically present at your school).

Look at our list and find the student group nearest to you (in Norwegian).

You can change information about your academic progression on My Tekna at tekna.no. For example, you can change your graduation date if you’re going to need more time to finish than you first thought. You can be a student member of Tekna for a maximum period of ten years.

If you take a long break from your studies to work, you can become a “member on a break”. Use the contact form below if this applies to your situation.

When you’ve graduated, log in to My Tekna and confirm your graduation date. During the first semester after graduation, you’ll continue to pay student dues of NOK 150.

Read about dues and dues reduction for recent graduate.

If you’re already an ANSA member and want to join Tekna, or if you’re a Tekna member and want to join ANSA, you can have a double membership. You pay dues to only one of these organizations and enter the membership number you have in the one when you join the other.

You can do this by updating the address under which you’re registered in My Tekna. If you’d like to send Teknisk Ukeblad to a different address than the one we’ve registered, use the contact form under to let us know.

You have two ways of reading TU online:

  1. You download the Teknisk Ukeblad app from Appstore or Google Play. The latest edition will be available here.
  2. If you’d like to read TU online on your PC, follow the instructions in this link: eblad.tu.no (in Norwegian)

You can log on to My Tekna to see your delivery address as well as start/stop delivery of Teknisk Ukeblad.

Tekna arranges several courses and conferences that don’t require you to be a Tekna member, but where Tekna members receive a large discount. We also have many events exclusively for members (it’ll be clearly indicated if this is the case).

See our courses and conferences in english and the complete list.

You can cancel your registration by filling out this form. Please note! Some of our events have cancellation requirements, which attendees are notified of when signing up.

Where can I look at which courses I’ve signed up for/attended?

You can find them on My Tekna. 

You can find them on My Tekna. 

Most recordings from free online events are available after broadcast. There are a certain number of these that we’re only allowed to make available for a limited time period after broadcast. You can find the complete list of available recordings here.

Contact form - What can we help you with?

For questions about salary and employee rights, conntact our Legal assistance here. 

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