Legal assistance
Our lawyers give you answers when you need them. We answer questions regarding legal challenges at work in addition to private matters.
Legal assistance: Employment
Tekna assists you with issues that may arise throughout a long working life. The most common inquiries are about employment contracts, restructuring, salary, and sick leave. We also take some cases to court if deemed appropriate and necessary.
Tekna's lawyers respond continuously to legal inquiries, and you will hear from us within two days. In cases that require follow-up, you will be assigned a lawyer who will contact you.
To make the initial contact efficient, we ask that you first explain the challenge via email. This way, we can best understand the matter before responding, no later than the next working day.
Legal advice: Private law
Who do we advise?
Tekna Private Law is a member service that includes assistance for the member themselves and, depending on the circumstances, assistance related to the member's spouse/partner and minor children.
What is the extent of the advice?
Tekna Private Law provides advice and guidance on various private legal issues.
Use of the service
We recommend that you send anything containing sensitive personal information encrypted or by letter to us.
To receive legal assistance, one must have been a member of Tekna for at least six months before the issue you seek assistance for arose.
If you have an occupational injury case, we have a partnership agreement with the law firm Ness Lundin DA. Send the case to us and we will assess what we can assist with.
Tekna representatives
Tekna representatives can both send emails and call us directly. We know that many union representatives receive serious cases, where it is urgent to get in touch with us.
Questions and cases related to individual members can be sent to juridisk@tekna.no.
Specifically about the advisory service Tekna Private Law
Tekna Private Law is an additional offer to members and the scope of the offer is governed by the lawyer capacity at Tekna. It is therefore subject to the fact that the caseload can sometimes be large, and that we may occasionally have to reject questions or limit our answers for capacity reasons.
The advice given to members will, as a starting point, be given in writing, based on the member's submitted description of the case and the questions they wish to have answered. Below is an overview of the legal areas that are particularly covered.
Tekna Private Law provides advice and guidance on:
- Family, inheritance, and estate matters, including marital agreements, cohabitation agreements, and powers of attorney for future needs, wills
- Tenancy law
- Purchase and sale of real estate, including construction of housing
- Purchase and sale of personal property, including cars and boats
- Contracts for artisan services
- Various questions about real estate, including neighborhood relations, questions about housing cooperatives and condominium associations, questions about right of way and other rights in real estate
- Compensation, insurance
Tekna Private Law does not provide advice and guidance on:
- Criminal law
- Immigration law
- Tax and duty law
- Conflicts with the public sector (state, county, municipality, and public institutions)
Tekna Private Law reserves the right to reject particularly extensive or complicated cases, such as cases of allodial rights and complex leasehold cases, which we do not have the capacity to handle.
We also reserve the right to limit the offer to providing general information if special circumstances dictate it, for example where members are against each other in the same conflict.