Case SSAB AB: Grønt stål - verdens eneste virksomhet som leverer fossilt fri stål
Hvordan har vi jobbet for å få til dette, erfaringer hittil og planer fremover for stor skala produksjon - hva må til for å lykkesfor å skape tusenvis av fossilfrie arbeidsplasser?
Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson
Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson has held many important positions in Swedish politics and in Swedish and international trade union movements. He is a former Swedish Minister for Business and Industry, President of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), the Workers’ Educational Association (ABF) and the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU).
Today Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson works with SSAB’s public affairs in Sweden, the Nordics and at the EU level in order to support SSAB’s green transition - to contribute to creating the conditions for a green Swedish industry and new green jobs. He reports directly to SSAB’s President and CEO.