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Showing 1–25 of 155 results
  1. Contract Management

    46661 Contract Management Kontraktshåndtering er en fagdisiplin som bruker metoder, med utgangspunkt ... erfaring som innen Contract Management fra ulike bransjer. Hvorfor kurs i Contract Management? Vår erfaring

    Course Oct. 16–17
  2. The Executive Board

    The Executive Board is responsible for the organization’s political activities.

  3. Produced Water Management 2025

    47692 Produced Water Management 2025 The preferred conference to attend for professonals working with ... practices, and innovative solutions in hydrocarbon management from industry experts, all conveniently

    Conference Jan. 22–23 2025
  4. Your employer’s management rights

    An employer’s management rights are often defined as the right an employer has to hire and dismiss employees ... employees as well as manage, delegate and monitor their work. This right is often described as “residual...

    Article Råd og tips Mar. 2 2021
  5. Management

    Management Tekna wants to be your partner for competence, network, and career. We offer quality-assured ... quality-assured courses and programs in management, communication, and project management, and we help you when starting...

  6. The return of the technologists to senior management

    ...technologists to senior management The proportion of engineers holding senior management positions in ... senior managers and their educational background in 2016. The latest study focuses on senior managers employed...

    Article Nov. 2 2017
  7. Efficiency and Time Mastery

    important, things go wrong. It's all about good self-management, making the right priorities and sometimes setting ... relationship between demands and performance • Self-management • The Time Matrix Reflection and discussion about

    Course Oct. 23 16:30–19:30
  8. I’ve become a manager – what salary should I ask for?

    ...indicator of what managers at your level are being paid. Råd og tips You’ve been promoted to manager and have ... Quite often, you don’t get overtime pay as a manager because you’re exempt from working time provisions...

    Article Råd og tips Nov. 7 2023
  9. Kurs i nettverksbygging

    47884 Kurs i nettverksbygging På dette kurset lærer du gode teknikker for å bli en bedre nettverksbygger. ... samt endringsledelse på Master of Technology and Management (MTM) programmet til NHH/NTNU.

    Course Aug. 6 16:30–19:00
  10. All or nothing?: Managing your e-mail inbox

    Not all that long ago, I was teaching a business e-mail writing course, and asked the people there a question about dealing with unread mails in their inbox. Working in Norway “What”, I wondered...

    Article Working in Norway May 22 2020
  11. Norway: Happy OL Medal Count = Happy Norwegian Manager?

    Need something special from your Norwegian boss? Strike while the OL-iron is hot! How so, you say? Well, consider Aftenposten’s headline this morning: OL statistics: Norway now holds a superior...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 19 2018
  12. U3 Execution of concrete for supervisors

    46845 U3 Execution of concrete for supervisors Welcome to this U3-course in English at Scandic ... required for the production manager (former casting manager) and control manager, foreman / tradesman, and

    Course Nov. 25–28
  13. Teknas Forskerskole: høsten 2024

    47996 Teknas Forskerskole: høsten 2024 Har du en forskerspire i heimen? Tekna Haugaland ... Vassmo Andersen - sivilingeniør i kjemi, Asset Manager hos Gassco Jens Kristian S Vevatne - sivilingeniør

    Course Sept. 5–Nov. 21
  14. Tekna Biodiversity

    ...in promoting the conservation and sustainable management of nature. It is completely free and non-binding ... zoologists, marine biologists, botanists, nature managers, and other interested parties. The activities...

  15. Travel expenses

    An employer’s management rights don’t include the right to force their employees to pay out of pocket ... case here). No legal basis in the employer’s management rights Because the disputed order fell outside...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 27 2021
  16. How is blockchain being used today?

    ...intellectual property management. Blockchain is also used in food safety, healthcare data management, fundraising ... blockchain alene ikke er svaret Anders Askevold, Sr. Manager Smart Centre and Partner Program i GS1 Norway...

    Article Tema: IKT Nov. 3 2022 Streaming
  17. Get started with your membership in Tekna

    ...on matters of private law Local Tekna branch M Managers Membership fee reductions for entrepreneurs Members’ ... the boxes next to your professional interests and manage your consent on My Profile. How: On My Profile...

  18. How can I start a Tekna group?

    ...workplace; they also have a line of communication to management via their union representative, who passes on ... members the right to receive information from management. In the private sector, you need only 3 Tekna...

    Article Råd og tips Mar. 21 2023
  19. Joining a board for the first time? – Here are some tips to get you started

    ...work A board has the overall responsibility for managing and leading a company, ensuring a sound business ... their distribution between the board and company management must be specifically adapted to the individual...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 25 2021
  20. Here’s how Tekna can help you at your next salary negotiation

    ...framework. This pot will then be split by the management based on criteria including employees’ levels ... Kvam. He feels that it’s advantageous for top management to negotiate salary ranges and working conditions...

    Article Råd og tips May 3 2023
  21. – Seeing people put their feet up on the desk in front of their boss was a huge culture shock

    ...far to get in touch with a company’s top-level management. He explains that there’s a flatter organizational ... high-quality public services, sound financial management and a high level of trade union organization...

    Article Tekna Magasinet June 20 2023
  22. Doing this can increase your pension by several hundred thousand kroner

    ...you want to place your employee pension, and management company Kron is offering Tekna members a great ... has chosen poorly performing funds and/or fund managers, or has invested in funds you don’t believe in...

    Article Råd og tips Jan. 31 2021
  23. Taking these easy steps can guarantee you several thousand more kroner per month

    ...ever, you can decide where your pension’s to be managed. A new deal with Kron ensures that all Tekna members ... is based on an annual cost savings of .58% in management fees/costs. The return rate used in the example...

    Article Aktuelt Oct. 23 2020
  24. Being a union representative is very exciting

    Francis Suson Cagatin never planned to become a union representative, but he has never ... workplace. You have close contact with company management. You have the opportunity to influence the company’s...

    Article Råd og tips Oct. 13 2023
  25. Plugging and abandonment of oil wells - current trends and new perspectives

    LIVE at the 29th of February 2024 at 5:00 PM Video: Plugging and abandonment of oil wells ... autonomous operation Mohamed Rottab, Sustainability manager at Halliburton P&A of wells Martin Knut Straume...

    Article Tema: Energi Feb. 29 2024 Streaming