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Showing 1–8 of 8 results
  1. Integration at Work: Simply the Best?

    ...could apply … integration in Norway,intercultural communication issues,living in Norway,working in norway ... could apply to the stereotypical Norwegian communication style. People here are known for speaking plainly...

    Article Working in Norway May 12 2018
  2. Employee Wellness in the Norwegian Work Culture

    ...often been called the ‘reserved’ Norwegian communication style. This style can be seen not only outside ... classify how businesspeople across the globe communicate differently with one another, which turned into...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 15 2021
  3. Meeting People: What do you tell them about yourself?

    ...years. When I give the … communication skills,intercultural communication issues,living in Norway,Norwegian ... get from their conversational partner. True communication or just a monologue? I ask, ‘Is that person...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 27 2019
  4. Competitive Conversation: Fighting the Phone

    What is it with people and their phones? Picture the scene: You’re at a big work-related ... go with your … communication skills,globalization,intercultural communication issues,international workplace...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 12 2018
  5. Skype Meetings: You Can’t Run and You Can’t Hide

    ...further in an advance e-mail sent out … intercultural communication,international workplace,working in norway ... Interesting because of the stereotypical Scandinavian communication style, which includes their usually being rather...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 8 2016
  6. Beyond Networking: Learn to Ask the Quality Question

    ...sessions so that they will become better … intercultural communication, Working in Norway On an average annual ... sessions so that they will become better able to communicate with their counterparts, in turn making the wheels...

    Article Working in Norway June 17 2016
  7. How to Break My Language Barrier

    Patience and Participation: The Keys to the Communication Castle? Over the course of a regular workday ... works. This person has a … communication skills,intercultural communication,language barrier, Working...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 23 2016
  8. Interview Poker: The Danger of Keeping Your Cards (Too) Close to Your Chest

    ...the jobseeker by the employer. communication,intercultural communication,international workplace,interview ... while others seemed very concerned with the legal issues surrounding personal info. I returned to my own...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 4 2021