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Showing 176–200 of 215 results
  1. CV Writing: Giving up before you even start?

    ...like writing about themselves because they have to in … business communication skills,CV writing skills ... CV,English writing skills,writing skills, Working in Norway After spending as much time proofreading CVs...

    Article Working in Norway May 11 2019
  2. Application Letter Writing: A Little (List) Goes a Long Way

    In my most recent blog post, I wrote about how job-seekers need to use active verbs in their writing ... writing in order for the reader to understand what they actually did/are doing at work. An extension of this...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 11 2021
  3. ‘Why didn’t I get the job?’: Playing the Sympathy Card

    ...getting the first job I ever interviewed for in Norway triggered a certain number of comments. While ... skills, Working in Norway My recent article about not getting the first job I ever interviewed for in Norway...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 8 2021
  4. Quick Tips for Teleconferencing

    ...than ever before? Is that a problem for you? Working in Norway If you answered “um, yes, yes, yes and yes” ... again and again. They say that while writing e-mails in English can make them insecure – correct grammar...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 27 2020
  5. CV/Cover Letter Writing Tips: Experience never gets old

    ...energy with our experience never gets old. Working in Norway A mid-career job seeker recently sent their ... and cover letter to me for editing and feedback. In case you didn’t know, ‘mid-career’ or ‘late-career’...

    Article Working in Norway June 23 2020
  6. Shopping and CV Writing: Can you curb your urge?

    ...that shopping and writing your CV have something in common?— —I didn’t either, until two things happened ... could be compared. The first happened when I got in a CV for proofreading … CV writing skills,English...

    Article Working in Norway May 26 2019
  7. Dismissal in the public sector

    ...most employees in Norway, the rules on hiring and dismissal are regulated by the Working Environment Act ... Act. But in the case of public sector employees, a separate law has been passed that guides hiring and...

    Article Råd og tips Mar. 2 2021
  8. Business Emails: Using a Format to Clear Up Your Writing Style

    ...business emails in English,Email writing skills,English writing skills, Working in Norway Do you sometimes ... speakers. So if this is you, you’re certainly not alone in dealing with this challenge!) But when I ask to see...

    Article Working in Norway June 14 2019
  9. Quick Tips for Cover Letter Writing

    ...hang onto something you’ve had for ages because it works as well for you now as it ever did? Say a stereo ... tongue to take your temperature). Working in Norway The low-tech things in life. Even when a lot more modern...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 30 2020
  10. Writing a business plan

    A business plan is a tool that shows in detail how you want to establish your business. It helps you ... business in order to feel secure that your undertaking is achievable and have a solid working foundation...

    Article Ledelsesbloggen Aug. 1 2021
  11. Beyond Networking: Learn to Ask the Quality Question

    On an average annual basis, thousands of employees in international companies spend thousands of hours ... communication, Working in Norway On an average annual basis, thousands of employees in international companies...

    Article Working in Norway June 17 2016
  12. Norway's best mathematicians

    Norway's best mathematicians The results of this past autumn’s national tests have just been published ... Ungdomsskole shared the top slot in arithmetic with Tolga Ungdomsskole in Nord-Østerdal. Norge Realfagsgymnas...

    Article Nov. 27 2017
  13. No, Really: Why Didn’t I Get the Job? Foreign Speakers’ Need to Be in the Interview Feedback Loop

    ...interview skills,interview technique,job search, Working in Norway Recently, I posted an article about our need ... feedback loops’ that exist for jobseekers today. In a perfect post-interview world, she claims, a hiring...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 16 2016
  14. Four top-level executives in Norway: – This is how you ask for a higher salary

    ...discussion with your boss? Four top-level executives in Norway give you their take on this discussion from the ... take place in the boss’ office. – This discussion should take place on neutral territory – not in anybody’s...

    Article Aktuelt Nov. 16 2020
  15. Techie Talk: Do technical presentations need to live up to their reputation?

    “There’s truth in every stereotype” – or is there? People attending my course on intercultural communication ... communication,presentation skills, Working in Norway “There’s truth in every stereotype” – or is there?...

    Article Working in Norway May 15 2016
  16. The Right Way to Think About Your LinkedIn Connections

    ...what’s on your kitchen counter or who’s sitting out in your classroom, you also realize you’re probably ... seeking,LinkedIn profile,Norwegian workplace, Working in Norway Teaching a new topic is like trying out a...

    Article Working in Norway Mar. 25 2017
  17. Lost in (Cyber) Space?: Sending Your Application Into the Webcruiter Black Hole

    The Times They Are a-Changin’; never more so than in the workplace, as I was recently reminded of when ... sitting there … CV,job search,job seeking, Working in Norway As Robert from Duluth (or Hibbing, depending...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 15 2016
  18. Jobseeking – Interview Greeting

    Interview Meet and Greet: What’s In a (Correctly Pronounced) Name? dilemma,interview,jobseeking,name ... name pronounciation, Working in Norway What’s In a (Correctly Pronounced) Name? The moment has arrived: you’ve...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 1 2021
  19. The Most Common Mistake CV Writers Make

    ...appeared to be no mistakes; that is, until I got to the Work Experience section. Here is exactly what appeared ... writing skills,job search,job seeking tips, Working in Norway Can you spot the mistake? Recently, a job-seeking...

    Article Working in Norway Aug. 29 2019
  20. What Not to Say to a Foreigner

    ...intercultural communication, Working in Norway Don’t make fun of a co-worker’s accent! In the global workplace ... happen to work. Unfortunately, in an attempt at humor, some native speakers occasionally get in these people’s...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 6 2016
  21. “Why Do You Want the Job?”: Your Words Lost and Found

    ...home page, I came across a short article written in Norwegian where the author was responding to job ... seekers who often asked him why they hadn’t been called in for an interview after sending … application letter...

    Article Working in Norway Mar. 5 2017
  22. Vacation rights in Norway

    Who has the right to take vacation days in Norway? How do you earn vacation pay? How much vacation can ... "anyone who performs work for another." However, if you started working late in the year, it is not certain...

    Article Råd og tips June 28 2024
  23. Understanding the Underground: Why Foreign Speakers Sometimes Can’t Stop Speaking

    ...intercultural communication,international workplace, Working in Norway “But do you know what: I am convinced that ... Dostoyevsky) It doesn’t happen often, but every once in awhile I’m reminded of books I read years ago, or...

    Article Working in Norway Jan. 4 2017
  24. Choose the right type of business

    ...obligations, liability, risk and taxation will be in the future. It also determines your company’s formal ... example, having a joint stock company allows you to work for yourself. It reduces personal risk and gives...

    Article Tips og triks Oct. 1 2021
  25. Job Applications: Why Do You Seek Approval?

    ...international workplace,job search,job seeking, Working in Norway I’m teaching my CV/cover letter writing course ... instruction: Why do you seek their approval? ‘Their’ in this case refers to the recruiter(s) reading the...

    Article Working in Norway Oct. 22 2017