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Showing 26–50 of 96 results
  1. Egenmelding: What to do if you can’t work because you’re sick/injured

    Sometimes life throws you a curve ball in the form of a sudden illness or injury that prevents you from ... feeling terrible. Sore throat, achy limbs, headache, the works. You really don’t feel up to going to work...

    Article Working in Norway Nov. 3 2021
  2. This is what technologists are demanding of the new government

    Tekna’s been closely following the process surrounding the new government’s formation, having both expectations ... expectations of and input for its new platform. – We expect the Støre government to deliver in areas such as increasing...

    Article Aktuelt Oct. 6 2021
  3. Must secure rights for working remotely

    The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises (NHO) recently announced that the idea of working from home ... Aktuelt While Tekna supports the increased use of home offices after the pandemic is over, it’s important...

    Article Aktuelt Oct. 6 2021
  4. New membership record: Tekna passes 90,000

    Tekna passed 90,000 members. Since the start of the new millennium, the organization has added 55,000 members ... members. Aktuelt - There’s been incredible growth in the number of technologists belonging to a trade union...

    Article Aktuelt Oct. 6 2021
  5. Sickness and Sick Leave

    ...leave, a part-time leave should be the first alternative chosen. The degree to which you can perform work ... depends on 1) the nature of your illness and 2) the possibility of accommodating your workplace to your illness...

    Article Råd og tips Sept. 15 2021
  6. ICT and software engineers have lowest rate of trade union membership

    These are the professions behind the numbers The numbers for trade union membership broken down into ... show which trade union the respective professionals are members of; neither is the length of their education...

    Article Aktuelt Aug. 18 2021
  7. Membership benefits from A-Z

    Magasinet W Work Here you get a complete overview of the membership benefits and how to use them! Several ... recommended starting salary, or the CV builder, require logging in. You log in with the email address you have...

  8. Membership benefits from A-Z

  9. Get started with your membership in Tekna

    Tekna groups (workplace groups) Tekna Magasinet Tekna Ung Teknisk Ukeblad The help-line The salary calculator ... over time offers one of the best deals on several different mortgage products. The very best mortgage interest...

    Article Råd og tips Aug. 16 2021
  10. – A simple country boy from Sunnmøre

    Grøvik was going to introduce himself to the delegates at the annual ‘R-meeting’, he called himself «a ... passionate about volunteer service, The Norwegian Model and the green shift. Aktuelt Recently, Lars Olav...

    Article Aktuelt June 21 2021
  11. Important political breakthroughs made in spring 2021

    ...political breakthroughs in areas including the workplace, competency, technology and sustainability, ... Right to unemployment compensation during schooling The temporary plan that was implemented in spring 2020...

    Article Politisk June 21 2021
  12. Is this why we all want to work in Norway?

    Norway. Can the Norwegian welfare state and the strong Norwegian labor unions be a part of the explanation ... resident alien’ of the country for more than 20 years, I experienced firsthand the country’s welfare state...

    Article Working in Norway June 9 2021
  13. Opinions

    ...policies Tekna works actively through the media and directly with the Government, Parliament and other organisations ... Tekna takes responsibility for its members, the companies and the local community through its salary and benefits...

  14. Record growth in Tekna

    ...is growing at record speed. During ‘the Corona year’ of 2020, the trade union had a membership growth ... professionals chosen to join the organization during ‘the Corona year’ as well. At the start of 2021, Tekna had...

    Article Aktuelt May 4 2021
  15. The year that went downhill fast – this is how they experienced it

    ...convert to a digital workday. Ivar F. Ihle thinks that the Corona virus will affect us for years to come. Casper ... Minister Erna Solberg told us on March 12th that Norwegian society had to shut down. Since this time many...

    Article Aktuelt Apr. 29 2021
  16. Why join a trade union today?

    ...av Norwegian employees are members of a trade union. – Many people take several of the Norwegian welfare ... welfare benefits – which have all been negotiated by the union movement – for granted, declares Katrine Olsson...

    Article Råd og tips Apr. 19 2021
  17. Employee Wellness in the Norwegian Work Culture

    Have you heard the one about the Norwegian husband who loved his wife so much, he almost told her? Working ... faces, Norwegians and non-Norwegians alike. Why is this so? Perhaps because as silly as it is on the surface...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 15 2021
  18. ‘Why didn’t I get the job?’: Our Need for Post-Interview Answers

    ...a teaching job at a newly started school in the area. The student body was made up of adults (as in age ... over) who were either going back … Find the courage and take the time to call and ask why if you didn’t...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 7 2021
  19. Interview Poker: The Danger of Keeping Your Cards (Too) Close to Your Chest

    ...something resembling an interrogation of the jobseeker by the employer. While a job interview should be ... something resembling an interrogation of the jobseeker by the employer. communication,intercultural communication...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 4 2021
  20. Social media and employers

    ...media can give the impression that users are operating in their own private sphere – while the exact opposite ... searchable. And in cases where you can be identified as the content source, your employer can see what you’ve...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 24 2021
  21. Probation

    Probation is very common in Norwegian employment contracts. The purpose of probation is to establish ... period where the employer has the opportunity to test the employee’s adaptation to the work, professional...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 23 2021
  22. Questions you should ask about getting a bonus at work

    Many Tekna members are part of a workplace bonus plan. Keep reading to learn more about bonuses: bonus ... bonus,bonus arbeidsforhold,bonus lønn Råd og tips Workplace bonuses are often confirmed in writing; sometimes...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 22 2021
  23. Working Overtime While Living Abroad

    ...there’s no need to compensate them in accordance with the usual rates for this type of work. overtid på tjenestereise ... many cases illegal. What do the regulations say? Generally speaking, the Working Environment Act, including...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 21 2021
  24. Working Remotely: Is it your right?

    ...in Norway In Norway we work under the ideas included in The Norwegian Model. Though when I’ve googled this ... this term, it often comes up as The Nordic Model, so it’s hard to know which of these countries really...

    Article Working in Norway June 11 2020
  25. Unemployed

    ...and when is it used? Can the company temporarily lay staff off because of the coronavirus? What are your ... you are temporarily laid off? What are the new measures that the Storting has enacted? Are you entitled...
