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Showing 26–50 of 96 results
  1. Norwegian Work Culture

    Norwegian Work Culture As a foreign employee in Norway, please take the time to learn about a certain ... certain number of unique features of the Norwegian workplace, so that you will find it easier to settle in...

    Article Mar. 13 2015
  2. First Impressions and Foreigners: Which Language Should You Speak?

    ...say at the front of the classroom. At my most recent course – Intercultural Communication in the Workplace ... week in Stavanger, Norway, a comment that generated the session’s most lively … integration in Norway,intercultural...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 17 2017
  3. Want to work in Norway? This is what you need to know

    ...in learning more about the requirements for residence permits to look at the UDI website – which is available ... To shed some light on the situation, we asked Vidar Hegge, senior adviser at The Directorate of Immigration...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 30 2022
  4. How Not to Get Burned in the Interview Hot Seat

    ...morning. I know no one at this workplace and know only a bit about the workplace itself. What I do know is ... is something about the job itself, as I’ve held onto the job description (more about this below). What...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 27 2020
  5. Travel time is work time

    ...outside your normal working hours to a different workplace than your usual one, is this considered work time ... time? Or is it travel time? And where do you draw the line exactly that shows when you’re at work? reisetid...

    Article Råd og tips Mar. 28 2022
  6. How pensions work in Norway

    These are the things you need to know about before starting work in Norway. Working in Norway Before ... how the Norwegian pension system works here. Your pension comes from three separate sources: The National...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 16 2022
  7. Record growth – Tekna membership passes 100,000

    000 members. In the past year alone, it’s gained 10,000 new members. Aktuelt Tekna is the country’s largest ... and shows that an increasing number of people see the value of being in a trade union, declares Tekna President...

    Article Aktuelt Mar. 13 2023
  8. Representatives

    ...representatives! The year 2019 was the year of the union representatives in Tekna. The overall goal of the campaign ... for each representative in addition to promoting the importance of their work. Get better acquainted with...

  9. Integration: What does it mean to you?

    ...communication, the topic of integration was quickly brought up by one of the non-Norwegians in the classroom ... but had just reacted to a question I’d written on the board before starting class: What does getting …...

    Article Working in Norway Nov. 17 2017
  10. Working in Norway: The Colleague Conversation

    Consider the Norwegian term medarbeidersamtale. It’s one of those long words where Norwegians stick two ... lot in this country, much to the confusion of foreigners trying to learn the language. Anyway, roughly translated...

    Article Working in Norway Nov. 15 2019
  11. Working Overtime While Living Abroad

    ...there’s no need to compensate them in accordance with the usual rates for this type of work. overtid på tjenestereise ... many cases illegal. What do the regulations say? Generally speaking, the Working Environment Act, including...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 21 2021
  12. Why You Should Say ‘Sorry’ at Work

    ...a few sticky workplace situations. Once again while running a course recently, I was the one who learned ... something new while trying to teach something old. The old in this case is using a version of ‘sorry’ at...

    Article Working in Norway June 3 2017
  13. Sickness and Sick Leave

    ...leave, a part-time leave should be the first alternative chosen. The degree to which you can perform work ... depends on 1) the nature of your illness and 2) the possibility of accommodating your workplace to your illness...

    Article Råd og tips Sept. 15 2021
  14. Norway: Happy OL Medal Count = Happy Norwegian Manager?

    Need something special from your Norwegian boss? Strike while the OL-iron is hot! How so, you say? Well ... statistics: Norway now holds a superior lead in the medal count Yes, little Norway, with a population...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 19 2018
  15. You’re not safe from attacks on your home office – and have to take this stuff seriously!

    ...vice-president Elisabet Haugsbø feels strongly that all Norwegians should know how to protect themselves from becoming ... influence in the USA (or trying to, at any rate) and people getting scammed – while maybe thinking at the same...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 24 2022
  16. Important political breakthroughs made in spring 2021

    ...political breakthroughs in areas including the workplace, competency, technology and sustainability, ... Right to unemployment compensation during schooling The temporary plan that was implemented in spring 2020...

    Article Politisk June 21 2021
  17. Hiring Discrimination

    At the same time, this right is somewhat restricted by anti-discrimination laws found in both the Working ... Working Environment Act and the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act. diskrimineringsregler i arbeidsmiljøloven...

    Article Råd og tips June 22 2023
  18. Parental leave in Norway? What you should know

    ...paternity and maternity leave. Working in Norway The intent of parental benefits is to provide you with ... divided into three parts – one part for the mother, one part for the partner and a part that can freely be...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 27 2022
  19. ICT and software engineers have lowest rate of trade union membership

    These are the professions behind the numbers The numbers for trade union membership broken down into ... show which trade union the respective professionals are members of; neither is the length of their education...

    Article Aktuelt Aug. 18 2021
  20. Business Culture Clash: What’s in a (LinkedIn) photo?

    LinkedIn course in Norway last week, and had gotten to the point where I put up a slide filled with photos I’d ... attire,international workplace,LinkedIn profile,Norwegian culture,Norwegian workplace,working in norway...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 8 2018
  21. Get started with your membership in Tekna

    Tekna groups (workplace groups) Tekna Magasinet Tekna Ung Teknisk Ukeblad The help-line The salary calculator ... over time offers one of the best deals on several different mortgage products. The very best mortgage interest...

    Article Råd og tips Aug. 16 2021
  22. Working Remotely: Is it your right?

    ...in Norway In Norway we work under the ideas included in The Norwegian Model. Though when I’ve googled this ... this term, it often comes up as The Nordic Model, so it’s hard to know which of these countries really...

    Article Working in Norway June 11 2020
  23. This is how you get elected as a Tekna Representative

    ...representatives at your workplace Being a Tekna representative at a workplace is a voluntary, elected ... role in what is called the "Norwegian Model" among employees, employers and the government. Being a Tekna...

    Article May 8 2020
  24. North Sea Decommissioning: Norway’s New Oil Adventure?

    ...decommissioning,Norwegian economy,Norwegian oil industry,Norwegian workplace,the norwegian model, Working ... myself, I was easily impressed by the enormous numbers I came across when the word ‘decommissioning’ popped...

    Article Working in Norway Nov. 3 2017
  25. Integration at Work: Simply the Best?

    ...be familiar with the funny ad campaigns run by one of the grocery chains here. In the TV ads, some humorous ... out in the extreme, yet always ends with this message on the screen: “the simple is often the best.”...

    Article Working in Norway May 12 2018