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Showing 26–28 of 28 results
  1. XXVth Nordic Concrete Federation Symposium 2025

    47464 XXVth Nordic Concrete Federation Symposium 2025 Nordic Concrete Federation (NCF) welcomes ... production, construction, use/application and sustainability. The XXVth Nordic Concrete Federation Symposium

    Conference Aug. 19–22 2025
  2. Mushroom foraging

    48171 Mushroom foraging Join this fun mushroom foraging trip and learn about edible mushrooms ... safely identify the mushrooms and collect them sustainably. In addition, you will also get tips on the use

    Course Aug. 27 17:00–19:00
  3. Mushroom foraging

    48199 Mushroom foraging Join this fun mushroom foraging trip and learn about edible mushrooms ... safely identify the mushrooms and collect them sustainably. In addition, you will also get tips on the use

    Course Sept. 11 17:00–19:00