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Showing 26–28 of 28 results
  1. Work-Life balance in Norway: Three things you should know

    In Norway, having a sustainable working life is encouraged. From laws and regulations to cultural codes...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 20 2022
  2. Free training courses for Tekna members

    Tekna is actively involved in developing several industry-specific programs for raising employees’ ... 2021. Language of instruction: Norwegian NTNU: Sustainable Industrial Processes and Resource Management...

    Article Råd og tips Jan. 27 2022
  3. – A simple country boy from Sunnmøre

    When Tekna’s newly elected president Lars Olav Grøvik was going to introduce himself to ... we’ll replace the petroleum industry with other sustainable industries that will still guarantee that we...

    Article Aktuelt June 21 2021