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Showing 26–28 of 28 results
  1. Norwegian Work Culture

    Norwegian Work Culture As a foreign employee in Norway, please take the time to learn about ... context, interaction with coworkers, demonstrating integrity during all customer transactions and making fair...

    Article Mar. 13 2015
  2. Podcast: Working in Norway - A Beginner's Guide

    Episode transcript transcript Ensieh [00:00 - 00:23] One thing that was a kind of cultural shock ... learning the language, it causes to have more integrity to the society, learn about the culture. [13:00...

    Article Working in Norway May 25 2023 Podcast
  3. What Not to Say to a Foreigner

    Don’t make fun of a co-worker’s accent accent,intercultural communication, Working in Norway ... necessity if they are to feel (if not be) truly integrated wherever they happen to work. Unfortunately,...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 6 2016