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Showing 26–28 of 28 results
  1. Stop in the Name of Workplace Inclusion

    At a recent course on intercultural communication in the workplace, I had just given my ‘do’s ... practiced this on a daily basis, what a wonderful global workplace world it would be. Learn about how to...

    Article Working in Norway May 6 2016
  2. Cross-Cultural Confusion: What’s Not to Love at an Interview?

    I went on LinkedIn the other day and read an article whose title had caught my eye: ‘The 3 Secrets ... them to know and use in order to make it in the global workplace – which was not a situation that they...

    Article Working in Norway Aug. 10 2016
  3. But It’s Not My Fault: Business E-Mail Etiquette When Your Sender Can’t Write Right

    Yet another interesting aspect of modern communication came up during my most recent business ... a way to go as regards e-mail etiquette in the global workplace, protecting feelings and getting important...

    Article Working in Norway May 30 2016