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Showing 251–255 of 255 results
  1. The Intercultural Interview Dating Game: Us vs Them?

    Sometimes the best thing to come out of a training course for students is not what they learn ... relationship to the next level. job interview, Working in Norway Sometimes the best thing to come out of a...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 5 2021
  2. Intellectual property rights (IPR) - employees

    ...find examples of such agreements on Innovation Norway’s website, see the link below. The requirement of ... financial savings, etc. Patent applications In Norway, patent applications are filed with the Norwegian...

    Article Mar. 13 2015
  3. Working time regulations according to the Norwegian Labour Act

    How to solve disputes If you become to be part of a dispute regarding the right to flexible working ... either 38 or 36 hours a week. Many employees in Norway have - either through a collective agreement,...

    Article Mar. 16 2015
  4. Bonus-programs in employment – some basic questions

    Bonus-programs in employment – some basic questions The term” bonus scheme” means something ... for surveillance of equality and discrimination in Norway) has in previous rulings stated that employees...

    Article Mar. 12 2015
  5. Get started with your membership in Tekna

    Banking services Collective agreements Contract of employment Courses and conferences Discount ... but we have 32 local Tekna branches throughout Norway that organise Tekna activities near where you live...

    Article Råd og tips Aug. 16 2021