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Showing 251–275 of 356 results
  1. ‘Why didn’t I get the job?’: Playing the Sympathy Card

    ...extra interesting part about these responses was that it seemed by the names appearing underneath their comments ... I tried looking at it from their point of view to see if I could understand it better. After so doing...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 8 2021
  2. Blue-green infrastructure – Smart and Sustainable

    ...infrastructure and why is it important? Learn about smart and sustainable infrastructure. Is it really possible ... Programme What is blue-green infrastructure and why is it important? David Brassfield, NFGI Green roofs today...

    Article Working in Norway Mar. 25 2019 Streaming
  3. CV/Cover Letter Writing Tips: Experience never gets old

    ...them. This is because ‘old’ is a loaded word, isn’t it? Implying that someone has become tired and lacks ... because of their age, which is not only not fair – it’s not legal. As am sure you already knew.) Yet even...

    Article Working in Norway June 23 2020
  4. Mobbing in the Workplace

    ...prohibited. In the Working Environment Act § 4-3 no. 3 it states: “The employee shall not be exposed to harassment ... harassment, isolation, hurtful teasing and the like. It often happens that the individual being targeted...

    Article Råd og tips June 27 2023
  5. Tekna’s 2020 Salary Statistics

    This year has been unlike any other coming before it. Tekna’s salary statistics shows that this ‘year ... year of huge salary increases. At the same time, it’s important that the companies which have seen good...

    Article Aktuelt Dec. 22 2020
  6. The experts’ best advice on how you should combine your home office and personal life

    ...between work and leisure can easily become blurred. It’s a challenge for many of us to be so organized that ... this is to be very conscious of how you organize it. – As long as you don’t have a full day of meetings...

    Article Råd og tips Nov. 30 2021
  7. I’m getting new tasks and more responsibility at work. What kind of salary offer should I expect?

    ...managerial responsibility, you can read more about it here. Don’t wait Sometimes employers say that they ... Changing tasks isn’t ordinary; on the contrary, it’s extraordinary. And extraordinary changes should...

    Article Råd og tips Nov. 7 2023
  8. Why join a trade union today?

    Many people take several of the Norwegian welfare benefits – which have all been negotiated by the union ... salary increases, reorganizations or even lay-offs, it pays to have a union representative in the room.

    Article Råd og tips Apr. 19 2021
  9. Integrating in Norway: Why you should join a volunteer board

    ...society here is to join a volunteer board. I didn’t say it was one of the easiest – why? Because you have to ... society here is to join a volunteer board. I didn’t say it was one of the easiest – why? Because you have to...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 21 2017
  10. Probation

    ...probation period in any employment relationship, unless it is determined that the probation period does not ... probation period is to be extended due to absence, it must be agreed in the employment contract that the...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 23 2021
  11. Have you reached retirement age – but still want to keep working?

    ...lenge,uttak pensjon,pensjonsreform Råd og tips While it’s not possible to cover every aspect of your pension ... do so. If you’re less motivated to keep working, it’s very important that you find out if there’s an optimal...

    Article Råd og tips May 13 2022
  12. Salaries for PhD candidates in the public sector

    2019. It is important to remember that this is a minimum salary and not a standardized one. It is possible ... that even if these are different systems, their benefits are similar. You see below an example of salary...

    Article Råd og tips June 24 2021
  13. Norwegian companies need more technology experts

    Technology – Engineering – Math), fields. Must strengthen IT skills In this report three out of four companies ... respond that there is a need to strengthen employees’ IT skills in their organization. This need also emerges...

    Article Aktuelt Apr. 28 2021
  14. Your LinkedIn Summary: Be Smart, Write Smart

    ...extra pressure Put rather bluntly, but there you have it. Many heads nodded in agreement. So I went on and ... wording doesn’t help your cause. In fact, it does the opposite. It makes you look fake and like you can’t...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 24 2017
  15. Looking for work?: Tips on how to write about your skill set

    ...set”. Given his convincing tone of voice (and that it’s a Hollywood film), we have no doubt that he’ll succeed ... about your own skill set? Have you thought about what it is? (In Norwegian they call this ‘kompetanseområde’...

    Article July 30 2020
  16. Interview Poker: The Danger of Keeping Your Cards (Too) Close to Your Chest

    ...professionals exchanging experiences and ideas, all too often it can turn into something resembling an interrogation ... professionals exchanging experiences and ideas, all too often it can turn into something resembling an interrogation...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 4 2021
  17. Be your best: Interview tips for second-language Zoomers

    ...coming up? Working in Norway Here’s some sympathy – it’s hard enough to do an in-person interview in a different ... questions you have about the position beforehand. Having it in front of you will help you keep track of the conversation...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 7 2020
  18. Conference Speakers: Do they ever learn?

    ...important or powerful a person is, the more difficult it is for them when they lose their power or importance’ ... important or powerful a person is, the more difficult it is for them when they lose their power or importance’...

    Article Working in Norway Jan. 28 2016
  19. ‘Why didn’t I get the job?’: Our Need for Post-Interview Answers

    Even though it took place a good many years ago, I still remember my first interview in Norway. I had ... workplace,interview skills, Working in Norway Even though it took place a good many years ago, I still remember...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 7 2021
  20. Lecture: Philosophy of Leadership

    If you look up an English translation for the Norwegian word ‘leder’, there are often two words that ... both in the working world and outside of it as well. It’s easy enough to call someone a leader. Yet...

    Article Working in Norway May 15 2018 Streaming
  21. Must secure rights for working remotely

    ...use of home offices after the pandemic is over, it’s important that we insist on employees getting written ... point for creating new contracts and guidelines. -It’s important for us to establish a set of regulations...

    Article Aktuelt Oct. 6 2021
  22. Business Culture Clash: What’s in a (LinkedIn) photo?

    ...like it she looks too fakey, I don’t trust it she looks like she’s trying too hard, I don’t get it Tough ... persuade them otherwise, but they were having none of it. You’d never catch them dressing like that for their...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 8 2018
  23. Integration at Work: Simply the Best?

    ...they didn’t appreciate this – what shall we call it? – economy of expression by native speakers. Actually ... and again, as several pairs made this same point. It makes you start to wonder, what’s going on out there...

    Article Working in Norway May 12 2018
  24. Let’s be perfectly clear: Writing the Summary on your CV

    ...is no right or wrong, just better…and bad? While it won’t lead to an overpass collapsing, unclear writing ... reader’s/hiring manager’s eye will skip right over it and go down to the writer’s work experience and education...

    Article Working in Norway June 30 2019
  25. AFP - contractual early retirement pension

    ...private sector, the following rules apply: Life-long benefits that can be collected together with the National ... allowed to receive pension, severance pay or other benefits (without a corresponding work obligation) the...

    Article May 31 2022