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Showing 226–250 of 255 results
  1. Have you reached retirement age – but still want to keep working?

    The recent pension reform has created the opportunity for you to have a great deal of flexibility ... decreased future pension payouts for young people in Norway because of the country’s rapidly increasing life...

    Article Råd og tips May 13 2022
  2. Writing a business plan

    A business plan is a tool that shows in detail how you want to establish your business. It helps ... several websites, including that of Innovation Norway. Summary Because bank managers and investors are...

    Article Ledelsesbloggen Aug. 1 2021
  3. Don’t Buzz: How to Avoid Using the Overused When Writing Your CV

    If English is your ‘L2’ (second language), don’t fall into the trap of using superficial ... international workplace,jobseeking,LinkedIn profile, Working in Norway The old phrase ‘I’m stuck between a rock and...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 13 2021
  4. CV Writing: Giving up before you even start?

    After spending as much time proofreading CVs as I have, I can write with certainty that people ... CV,English writing skills,writing skills, Working in Norway After spending as much time proofreading CVs...

    Article Working in Norway May 11 2019
  5. “Why Do You Want the Job?”: Your Words Lost and Found

    How do you answer this question when you just can’t find the words? Yesterday as I was ... international workplace,job search,job seeking, Working in Norway How do you answer this question when you just...

    Article Working in Norway Mar. 5 2017
  6. Networking Nerves: Is the Tip Included?

    In the interest of following the current trend of writing advice in the form of tip lists, ... international workplace,networking skills, Working in Norway In the interest of following the current trend...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 13 2016
  7. Unemployment benefits and your rights

    Unemployment benefits are designed to partially compensate you for loss of income when you’ve ... the following requirements: You have to stay in Norway while receiving benefits (exceptions to this rule...

    Article Råd og tips Nov. 18 2022
  8. Dues and Discounts

    As an employed, regular member the membership dues for 2024 are NOK 4,980 in addition ... documentation from NAV. If a member is residing outside of Norway, he/she pays 50 % of regular membership dues/no...

    Article Dec. 17 2022
  9. Jobseeking – Interview Greeting

    Interview Meet and Greet: What’s In a (Correctly Pronounced) Name? dilemma, ... interview,jobseeking,name pronounciation, Working in Norway What’s In a (Correctly Pronounced) Name? The...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 1 2021
  10. Lost in (Cyber) Space?: Sending Your Application Into the Webcruiter Black Hole

    As Robert from Duluth (or Hibbing, depending on who you ask) sang so many years ago, The Times ... sitting there … CV,job search,job seeking, Working in Norway As Robert from Duluth (or Hibbing, depending...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 15 2016
  11. Networking Nerves 2: Another Tip Included

    About a month ago I gave a piece of advice regarding how to start a conversation when ... communication,international workplace,networking, Working in Norway About a month ago I gave a piece of advice...

    Article Working in Norway Jan. 20 2017
  12. No, Really: Why Didn’t I Get the Job? Foreign Speakers’ Need to Be in the Interview Feedback Loop

    Recently, I posted an article about our need to find out why we didn’t get a job offer ... interview skills,interview technique,job search, Working in Norway Recently, I posted an article about our need...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 16 2016
  13. When Just Being Nice Won’t Cut It: Why You Need Interview Adjectives/Examples

    Does anybody actually enjoy being interviewed? Sitting in the hot seat being grilled ... …wanting? interview,interview skills,jobseeking, Working in Norway Probably not, which is why people attend interview...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 9 2021
  14. A Few Thoughts on a Foreigner’s Comfort Zone

    A couple of weeks ago I sat in the audience listening to a professional speaker give ... international workplace,living abroad,self-awareness, Working in Norway A couple of weeks ago I sat in the audience...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 25 2017
  15. 11 things you need to check before signing an employment contract

    Before starting any new job, you should have an employment contract which spells out the rights ... negotiation. Learn about pensions at Pension in Norway The Basic Amount (= a guaranteed minimum retirement...

    Article Råd og tips June 17 2024
  16. Here’s some advice if you’re entering into a shareholders’ agreement

    Being a co-owner in a business isn’t always easy, which is why it’s important to have a shareholders’ ... follows the Norwegian Companies Act. Råd og tips In Norway we have more than 300,000 joint stock companies...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 24 2022
  17. Less is More: Business E-Mail Insecurity Issues

    A surprisingly large crowd showed up at my evening course last week on how to write correct ... e-mails in English,e-mails,e-mails in English, Working in Norway A surprisingly large crowd showed up at my...

    Article Working in Norway May 22 2016
  18. The Right Way to Think About Your LinkedIn Connections

    Teaching a new topic is like trying out a new recipe. While you’re enthusiastic when starting ... seeking,LinkedIn profile,Norwegian workplace, Working in Norway Teaching a new topic is like trying out a...

    Article Working in Norway Mar. 25 2017
  19. Interview Poker: The Danger of Keeping Your Cards (Too) Close to Your Chest

    While a job interview should be a lively, interesting conversation between two professionals exchanging ... international workplace,interview skills, Working in Norway This may be especially true in the case of...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 4 2021
  20. Choose the right type of business

    Choosing a type of business is key to determining what your rights and obligations, liability, ... company … is the most common type of business in Norway. Here the owners are liable only for the capital...

    Article Tips og triks Oct. 1 2021
  21. Intellectual property rights (IPR)

    ...find examples of such agreements on Innovation Norway’s website, see the link below. The requirement of ... financial savings, etc. Patent applications In Norway, patent applications are filed with the Norwegian...

    Article Råd og tips Oct. 31 2022
  22. Application Letter Writing: A Little (List) Goes a Long Way

    In my most recent blog post, I wrote about how job-seekers need to use active verbs in their ... skills,international workplace,jobseeking, Working in Norway In my most recent blog post, I wrote about...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 11 2021
  23. To Correct or Not to Correct: When Should Native Speakers Speak Up?

    Foreign language learners in the global workplace make spoken and written errors in their ... English for … intercultural communication, Working in Norway Foreign language learners in the global workplace...

    Article Working in Norway June 9 2016
  24. Membership benefits from A-Z

    ...our digital job-seeker course featuring one of Norway’s best speakers on finding employment. The course ... representatives at a wide range of companies throughout Norway and may even have one at the enterprise that you...

  25. Dismissal in the public sector

    For most employees in Norway, the rules on hiring and dismissal are regulated by the Working Environment...

    Article Råd og tips Mar. 2 2021