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Showing 1–25 of 83 results
  1. Work-Life balance in Norway: Three things you should know

    ...expectations, this is what you need to know about the Norwegian work culture. Working in Norway There are a ... outside the workplace. “In my experience, Norwegian employers endeavour to create a workplace where employees...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 20 2022
  2. Being a union representative is very exciting

    ...representative, you have the opportunity to learn a lot. You learn more about the industry, the profession and ... representatives working to provide members with the best possible working conditions, a good working...

    Article Råd og tips Oct. 13 2023
  3. Salary in Norway: 6 things you need to know

    What’s the average salary in Norway? Is there such a thing as a minimum wage? Here’s what to know about ... about Norwegian wages. Working in Norway When it comes to the labour market, Norway is famous for their...

    Article Working in Norway May 18 2022
  4. Working in Norway: Don’t Say “Hello” in the Morning

    ...asked the following question: What is the most important unwritten rule in Norwegian workplace, which ... is based on? Readers were invited to guess the answer. The more serious suggestions: Don’t intrude on...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 6 2017
  5. Social media and employers

    ...media can give the impression that users are operating in their own private sphere – while the exact opposite ... searchable. And in cases where you can be identified as the content source, your employer can see what you’ve...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 24 2021
  6. Social welfare in Norway: The nuts and bolts

    Here is an overview of the Norwegian social democratic model and some of the main public services available ... are several different types of welfare states in the world. Some are based on how much insurance you have...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 20 2022
  7. What is the Norwegian Model?

    ...piece of the puzzle often called "The Norwegian Model" - a cooperative model that is unique to the Nordic ... Nordic countries. Aktuelt The Norwegian Model gives us the rules of the game for working life, showing us...

    Article Aktuelt May 11 2020
  8. – Seeing people put their feet up on the desk in front of their boss was a huge culture shock

    ...where she deals with vessels that sail all over the world. When she started this job, she was surprised ... their legs up on the desk or chewing tobacco in their mouth right in front of their boss. The employee doesn’t...

    Article Tekna Magasinet June 20 2023
  9. Mobbing in the Workplace

    Workplace mobbing may be defined as a situation where an employee is repeatedly subjected to hostile ... others at their workplace over a period of time. Råd og tips Mobbing is prohibited. In the Working Environment...

    Article Råd og tips June 27 2023
  10. Trade unions in Norway: Four things you need to know

    ...unions are an important part of the Norwegian labour market. Here are the basic facts. Working in Norway ... density rate. Here, around half of the workforce are organized members. The popularity stems from its mission...

    Article Working in Norway Dec. 9 2022
  11. Where to find laws on working hours

    The purpose of this particular set of labor laws is to ensure that the time employees spend at work doesn’t ... can find laws on working hours in Chapter 10 of the Working Environment Act. arbeidstid,arbeidstidsbestemmelser...

    Article Råd og tips Aug. 18 2023
  12. Podcast: Working in Norway - A Beginner's Guide

    ...a kind of cultural shock at the beginning when I moved to Norway, that the employee can, if he wants to ... to put his legs on the table or put a "snus" in front of the manager, that he can do it and he doesn't...

    Article Working in Norway May 25 2023 Podcast
  13. Changes to home office laws finally passed

    The government has recently passed changes to laws regulating home office use. – Tekna’s pleased that ... Aktuelt The new changes are effective starting on July 1st, and Grøvik is satisfied that the new law...

    Article Aktuelt Apr. 6 2022
  14. Questions you should ask about getting a bonus at work

    Many Tekna members are part of a workplace bonus plan. Keep reading to learn more about bonuses: bonus ... bonus,bonus arbeidsforhold,bonus lønn Råd og tips Workplace bonuses are often confirmed in writing; sometimes...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 22 2021
  15. Here’s how Tekna can help you at your next salary negotiation

    ...order to start a workplace group Public sector: a minimum of 2 members to start a workplace group Tekna’s ... Tekna’s chief negotiators in the private, state and municipal sectors are clear on one thing: Salary levels...

    Article Råd og tips May 3 2023
  16. Remote Work

    The term ‘home office’ refers to an arrangement where an employee works from their own home. The practice ... but it has become more common during and after the pandemic. Most people who work from home usually...

    Article Råd og tips Jan. 11 2024
  17. Why join a trade union today?

    ...av Norwegian employees are members of a trade union. – Many people take several of the Norwegian welfare ... welfare benefits – which have all been negotiated by the union movement – for granted, declares Katrine Olsson...

    Article Råd og tips Apr. 19 2021
  18. New membership record: Tekna passes 90,000

    Tekna passed 90,000 members. Since the start of the new millennium, the organization has added 55,000 members ... members. Aktuelt - There’s been incredible growth in the number of technologists belonging to a trade union...

    Article Aktuelt Oct. 6 2021
  19. Whistleblowing in the Workplace

    ...you have the right to reveal information about unethical or illegal conditions at your workplace. Hired ... Hired workers also have the right to report these conditions to their hiring company. varsling,rett til å...

    Article Råd og tips June 13 2023
  20. Employee Wellness in the Norwegian Work Culture

    Have you heard the one about the Norwegian husband who loved his wife so much, he almost told her? Working ... faces, Norwegians and non-Norwegians alike. Why is this so? Perhaps because as silly as it is on the surface...

    Article Working in Norway Apr. 15 2021
  21. First Impressions and Foreigners: Which Language Should You Speak?

    ...say at the front of the classroom. At my most recent course – Intercultural Communication in the Workplace ... week in Stavanger, Norway, a comment that generated the session’s most lively … integration in Norway,intercultural...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 17 2017
  22. Norwegian Work Culture

    Norwegian Work Culture As a foreign employee in Norway, please take the time to learn about a certain ... certain number of unique features of the Norwegian workplace, so that you will find it easier to settle in...

    Article Mar. 13 2015
  23. How Not to Get Burned in the Interview Hot Seat

    ...morning. I know no one at this workplace and know only a bit about the workplace itself. What I do know is ... is something about the job itself, as I’ve held onto the job description (more about this below). What...

    Article Working in Norway Feb. 27 2020
  24. Want to work in Norway? This is what you need to know

    ...in learning more about the requirements for residence permits to look at the UDI website – which is available ... To shed some light on the situation, we asked Vidar Hegge, senior adviser at The Directorate of Immigration...

    Article Working in Norway Sept. 30 2022
  25. Travel time is work time

    ...outside your normal working hours to a different workplace than your usual one, is this considered work time ... time? Or is it travel time? And where do you draw the line exactly that shows when you’re at work? reisetid...

    Article Råd og tips Mar. 28 2022