Q&A Salary Survey
Questions and answers about Tekna’s salary survey
Who receives the salary survey?
Our salary survey is sent to all registered and regularly employed members. It’s also sent to recent graduates, in other words students who are registered as having taken their final exams in 2024.
We send the survey to all members in the private and municipal sector on January 7th. Members that work in the state sector won’t receive the survey until the salary negotiations are completed and they have been informed what their new salary is. This is a special situation this year, due to the strike in the spring of 2024 and the proceedings before the National Wages Board in the fall of 2024.
Why should I take the salary survey?
Our salary survey forms the basis of Tekna’s salary statistics, which is an important tool in salary negotiations. This concerns all members: both those who have a Tekna group at their workplace and those who negotiate their own salary. Statistics are not a sum of money in themselves, but rather provide a useful guide in relation to the market value of everyone holding a Master’s degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subject.
Regarding younger employees, it’s very important that all of you who have a lot of work experience take the survey so that we can gather useful data from all age groups. When you take the survey, you quite simply help improve the quality of the data, and we get accurate statistics as a result.
How can I use salary statistics?
- Make sure that you’re at the correct salary level
- Salary negotiations – whether you negotiate your salary yourself or a representative negotiates for you
- Check out salary levels in different sectors and branches (f.ex. if you’re thinking about changing jobs)
- Find out which salary level you can expect as a recent graduate
How do I take the salary survey?
All regularly employed and recently graduated members will receive an e-mail or text containing a link to the survey. This link is secure; it mustn’t be forwarded to others. You can also go to Take survey and then log on to your own profile to find your own personal link.
While taking the survey, you’ll get instructions on how to answer, and we ask that you follow them. If you have any problems, please call tel. nr 22 94 75 00 and ask to speak with Øyvind Haldorsen. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected].
What is the response deadline?
The survey should be completed as soon as possible. We are conducting it at a new time this year and asking for salary data as of December 31, 2024, instead of October 1 as in recent years. We are doing this because most people will have received the results from last year’s wage negotiations by the end of the year, so they can respond to the survey—which means we can have a shorter data collection period. Therefore, the survey will be open for a shorter period than in previous years.
When will this year’s statistics be available?
The 2024 wage statistics will be published on the “Salary statistics” page in February. You can also find statistics from previous years there.
Who should I contact if I have any questions about the survey or salary statistics?
Call tel. nr. 22 94 75 00 and ask to speak with Øyvind Haldorsen, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also contact the Tekna representative at your workplace – f.ex. if your question’s about the survey’s question on pensions, this is something your representative should be able to answer.