Tekna’s salary survey
... the most important survey you’ll take this year!
Answer the survey as soon as you know what your salary will be starting October 1st.
Your answer counts!
We conduct a salary survey among our members every fall, and this year is no exception. This survey forms the basis for one of your most important member benefits: salary statistics. These statistics are just as important for any members negotiating their own salaries as they are for those who have a local Tekna group at their workplace.
We also collect data about your employment conditions in the survey that help us take care of your employee interests.
In order for our survey to continue having a high level of credibility and usefulness in salary negotiations, it’s important that as many members as possible participate!
We send the survey to nearly 80,000 members. While a majority of currently employed members receive it, the survey is not sent to retired members, students or members who are working abroad. So only answers received from currently employed members are included in the statistics.
You’ll receive the survey in an e-mail (or a text message) containing a link starting with https://analyse.tekna.no. This link is personal and shouldn’t be forwarded to anyone else. It’s also secure, so all your information and answers are treated confidentially. The survey has been adapted to be used on all mobile devices.
If there’s anything else you’re wondering about, please check out our question and answer page on the salary survey.