Salary settlement in SAN
In the central negotiations in Spekter SAN, Tekna is represented by the negotiating confederation SAN; Spekter SAN includes all enterprises in Spekter that are not healthcare organizations.
Negotiations in SAN
In the central negotiations in Spekter SAN, Tekna is represented by the negotiating confederation SAN; Spekter SAN includes all enterprises in Spekter that are not healthcare organizations.
Regulations pertaining to conflicts involving SAN may be found in the Labor Disputes Act, main agreement between SAN and Spekter, as well as the agreement for Section A. SAN’s conflict preparation is also outlined at www.san.no.
The decisions made here are almost identical to the other bargaining areas where Tekna is involved; however, in Spekter SAN, strikes may ideally take place based on a breakdown in the local negotiations in the individual enterprise in addition to disagreements between the central parties. The bargaining area in which strikes may take place is for all enterprises represented by 1 of 13 agreement areas in Spekter. Enterprises that enter into the individual agreement are outlined in the Section A agreement at www.san.no.
The SAN Council makes the decision to strike. In case voting is required, SAN is divided into SAN Traditional and SAN Health (healthcare organizations) in accordance with SAN’s Cooperation Agreement (SAN § 7).
Get the highest possible salary growth
Tekna’s chief negotiators are clear on one thing: Salary levels should be negotiated locally and collectively in order to ensure effective negotiations and the highest possible salary growth