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SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: It’s important that you focus on your own skills development at the start of your career; salary increases will quickly follow. Photo: GettyImages.


Just starting out and expecting a raise? (Okay, but it’s not a sure thing)

Written by Sondre Tallaksrud Modified: Feb. 20 2025

– You can’t expect strong salary growth if you yourself don’t grow at work, says Tekna salary expert Anders Kvam.

When you begin working at a new job after finishing school, you’re in the starting phase of getting good salary and career-related development. And if you have the right focus at work, you can look forward to strong salary growth – even when your career’s just starting out.

Starting salaries: A lot of variation

In 2023, recently graduated Tekna members earned these average starting salaries: private sector NOK 619,000, state sector NOK 567,000, municipal sector NOK 611,000. Read more about Tekna’s salary statistics here:

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Young Tekna members usually have strong salary growth

According to Tekna Private’s chief negotiator, Anders Kvam, you shouldn’t take it for granted that you’ll see any salary adjustment during your first year of employment after getting your college/university degree.

– The timing for your first salary adjustment’s often agreed on when you’re hired. For many people, this means that they won’t be part of the first wage settlement in their organization; and if this applies to you, you’ll have to negotiate an adequate starting salary to make up for this loss. But it’s common for people to get substantial raises later on at the start of their career, especially in the private sector.

– It’s a fact that our members usually experience strong salary growth at the start of their career. And this growth’s mainly caused by the fact that they acquire more skills and experience and take on more responsibility, all of which shows up in their salary, he explains. This also means that the value you create for your employer should also increase.

– You can’t expect strong salary growth if you yourself don’t grow at work, increasing your productivity and taking on more responsibility. Yet our members often do all of these things, and you can see the results of their hard work in our salary statistics.

Anders Kvam
SHOULD INCREASE: Anders Kvam explains that Tekna members’ salaries increase a lot at the start of their career. Photo: Mikkel Moe.

Continue to develop your skills

If we look at the average growth of the five youngest graduating classes (2017-2021), they had an 11.5% average salary growth rate during 2021-2022.

– While there’s no guarantee that you’ll automatically get a raise, it’s common to have your salary reviewed at least once a year. This also depends on what’s written in your employment contract, and if there is a collective bargaining agreement at your workplace regulating this process, explains Kvam.

Collective bargaining agreements ensure that Tekna group members will have the right to enter into salary negotiations at their workplace. If you don’t have this agreement, your employer decides your salary level. No matter what, it’s quite common that employees’ salary levels are reviewed on an annual basis.

– We recommend that members make sure that they keep developing their skills and taking on more responsibility at work, making it known to their employer what they’re contributing that creates value for the organization. If you do this, you should expect a payout for your effort.

– It can be easier to get better terms by switching jobs (either internally or externally) than by staying in the same job.
– if you’re not getting what you feel you’re owed with regard to salary growth, concludes Kvam.

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