This is how you get elected as a Tekna Representative
As a Tekna representative, you do an important job that benefits many people.
Tekna representatives at your workplace
Being a Tekna representative at a workplace is a voluntary, elected appointment, where you represent your Tekna co-workers when you dialogue with management and attend meetings with Tekna.
As a Tekna representative, you contribute to matters regarding working conditions and local collective bargaining agreements, reorganization processes and local salary negotiations. You also contribute by telling people about Tekna and recruiting new members.
These union representatives are essential for Tekna to safeguard members' rights and interests in their working life and play an important role in what is called the "Norwegian Model" among employees, employers and the government.
Being a Tekna representative gives you many services that benefit your professional life:
- Education from Tekna - often called Norway's best education program for mid-level managers. Tekna covers all expenses for this program.
- Close contact with management at your workplace
- The ability to influence the company's plans and decisions based on your members’ interests
- Knowledge of employment rules, negotiations and how they are governed
Do you want to be a Tekna representative at your workplace? Elections are held at the annual meeting. Contact the Tekna group where you work and let them know you want to be a candidate in the election. If you don’t have any Tekna group at your workplace, learn how to start one here.
Tekna representatives where you live
Tekna has 31 local branches, from Agder in the south to Finnmark in the north. Being a representative in a local branch is an elected, voluntary appointment where you are a board member along with other Tekna members living in your area. Together you create courses, meetings, company visits, social events, activities for children and young people, and much more.
Being a Tekna representative in a local branch is beneficial to you in many ways:
- Experience with event planning, both professional seminars and events that interest you on a personal level
- Expand your professional and social network
- Gain experience as a board member
- Help Tekna members in your area get the most out of their membership
- Get children and young people interested in science
- Get to know Tekna from the inside and influence its organizational development
Do you want to be a local Tekna representative? Elections are held at the annual meeting. For more information, contact the board/election committee of your local branch.
Tekna representative in a professional network
Tekna has 12 professional networks, and each has its their own board. The networks provide members with professional updates, networking arenas and help getting policy issues on the agenda.
As a network volunteer/Tekna representative , you can be a member of a local or national board. If you’d rather, you can join different project groups or provide input on professional policy matters. There are a lot of possibilities!
Being a Tekna representative in a professional network can benefit you in many ways:
- Expand your professional network
- Contribute your expertise to Tekna's professional policy work
- Influence the regulations in your industry
- Help create professional and social meeting places
- Connect members, organizations and businesses
- Create events, courses and meetings around a topic you’re passionate about
Do you want to become a volunteer or Tekna representative in a professional network? Elections are held at the annual meetings. You’ll find an overview of Tekna's networks and boards here.
Tekna student representatives at colleges and universities
Tekna has approximately 12,000 student members spread across 12 different educational institutions in Norway, as well as one in Copenhagen and one in Toulouse.
Each educational institution has a Tekna group of volunteer student representatives. As a ‘student rep’ , you help organize professional and social events that student members can attend, you recruit new members and you answer questions from members. You are, quite simply, Tekna's representative on campus, and the organization's most active recruiter!
Being a Tekna student representative benefits you in many ways:
- A job that looks good on your resume
- Experience in planning professional and social events for students
- Experience with student politics and student rights
- Organizational experience and the opportunity to learn from your board duties
- Attend fun courses and events
- Expand your college/ university and professional networks
- Training and certificate from Tekna
Would you like to become a student representative? Send an email to student@tekna.no.
Science motivator, role model or mentor
Many Tekna members voluntarily contribute in arenas where we collaborate with others to inspire children and young people to become interested in science and technology.
You can volunteer for events and projects where Tekna collaborates with:
- Nationalt senter for realfagsrekruttering
- Lær kidsa koding
- Forskerfabrikken
- First Lego League
- Passion for Ocean
- Kodegenet
Would you like to help us out? Read more and contact us here.