Advent of Code: Exploring Programming Languages and Techniques
Welcome to the first gathering in the network for developers!
This event is inspired by the annual online programming challenge event that takes place throughout the month of December. The challenge has been created by Eric Wastl in 2015 and gathers over a million participants. Each day, a new coding problem is released, and participants have 24 hours to solve it. The problems are designed to be solvable in any programming language and the goal is to solve as many problems as possible during the event.
Our “Advent of code” is an event for programming enthusiasts, where we invite speakers to share their knowledge and experience with the challenge. The event will be split into two parts. The first part of the event will involve all speakers presenting the same problem, chosen from the Advent of Code calendar, in their preferred programming language. And after that, each speaker will choose their own case from the Advent of Code calendar that they found exciting to solve it in their programming language.
You will get an opportunity to learn about different programming languages, problem-solving techniques, best practices, and have time for discussions and network building. It helps if you have an elementary knowledge or understanding of programming concepts.
Speakers and problemsolvers:
- Ali Akhtarzada, Engineer - Tana
- Noah Henry Locock Hall, Lead engineer of Aftenposten at Schibsted Products & Technology AS
- Erlend Hamberg
- Atle Havsø, CTO - Bliksund AS
- Kristiane Westgård, Utvikler - Norsk Helsenett SF
Confirmed languages: D lang, Derw, Idris, PowerShell and Python.