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Illustrasjonsbilde av bioprospecting

Topic: Health and life science


Published: Mar. 15 2021 Streaming

Tekna Biotek hosted this seminar dedicated to the inspiring world of bioprospecting! Get a closer look into the ongoing research projects from the capital of Arctic Norway, Tromsø.

Bioprospecting is defined as a systematic and organized search for useful products derived from bioresources including plants, microorganisms, animals and more, that can be developed further for the purpose of commercialization and overall benefits of the society. In this recorded seminar you will get answers and compelling examples on how bioprospecting is used.



  1. More about Bioprospecting and Bioprosp Conference, by Jeanette Hammer Andersen, Professor and Head of Marbio
  2. Shipworms, Sugars and Bioplastics, by Bjørn Altermark, Scientist UIT
  3. Aliivibrio wodanis as a new chassis for enzyme discovery and production: A cold-adapted bacterium with surprising and favorable properties, by Peik Haugen, Professor UIT

Do you want know more about Bioprospecting and what you can do and how it works?  Tekna is hosting an international, biennial conference on marine bioprospecting and biotechnology called BIOPROSP. This event aims to translate basic research into applied research with industrial application.



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