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Tekna works actively through the media and directly with the Government, Parliament and other organisations to promote our political views. Our opinions appear in Tekna's policy documents. Tekna is an independent trade union that is not affiliated with any political party.

Tekna's opinions and policies

Salary and benefits policy

Salary should be an integral part of human resources policy . An employee’s education, competence, level of organizational responsibility and personal effort should be rewarded.
Tekna takes responsibility for its members, the companies and the local community through its salary and benefits policy. Collaboration and local collective bargaining in each company ensure that centralized compensation systems will maintain a certain degree of flexibility. Salary-setting policy is part of Tekna's social policy commitment.
Salary and benefits policy (in norwegian)

Higher education and research

Tekna aims to ensure top-level recruitment to technology and natural science subjects and keep these subjects at a high international level.
Maintaining a high level of domestic research activity along with extensive international cooperation is important for the quality and capacity of our educational institutions. Tekna works to ensure that more students complete PhDs and their skills are valued in the workplace. The education sector must also be transformed to offer lifelong learning in close collaboration with companies.
Higher education and research policy (in norwegian)


Tekna wants more young people to choose STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subjects. We also fight to have more research and development taking place in these subjects so that they can create even more value for society.
School policy (in norwegian)

Climate, environment and energy

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges the world faces. Emissions reductions are necessary to achieving a low-emission society in 2050. Tekna supports Norway's endorsement of the Paris Agreement, where Norway and the EU countries have committed themselves to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030. Tekna believes effective measures must be implemented to reduce man-made climate impact. Tekna recognizes that these climate, environmental and energy measures must be assessed with respect to how they relate to one another. In many cases, although synergies will be created, they will not always pull in the same direction. Nevertheless, emission cuts will be necessary to achieve any established climate and environmental goals.
Climate, environment and energy (in norwegian).


Tekna wants organised workplaces based on collective rights, ensuring employee participation and cooperation at their place of employment. Collective bargaining and other agreements are intended to secure good workplace conditions and safe work environments. Predictability, trust and security contribute to innovation and development, which in turn aid Norway’s private and public sectors as well as its social welfare system. Tekna works to create inclusive and non-discriminatory workplaces that ensure continued high levels of employment and productivity
Workplace policy (in norwegian).


Tekna works for creating industrial policy that successfully unites sustainability and competitiveness. Norway should invest in research, technology and innovation, a move which will create more high-skilled jobs in profitable companies. The environmental technology and renewable energy markets are growing rapidly, and Norway should aim to become a leader in this market.
Industrial policy (in norwegian)

Public sector

Tekna believes that any value created in society depends on effective collaboration between the public and private sectors, including agreements on certain mutual goals. The public sector must create a stable framework for business and industry. At the same time, public service production and distribution must be cost-effective to ensure the best possible utilization of society's resources.
Public sector policy (in norwegian).


Tekna believes that Norway should have a publicly funded health service, which ensures accessible, efficient and equal health care services for all. New health care technology must be based on the needs that support and develop work processes in the health care sector. Everyone should have easy and secure access to digital health care services, and a higher level of self-service and automation must be facilitated. Interdisciplinary expertise must be utilized and become a natural part of the national work being done to prevent antibiotic resistance among the population.
Health care policy (in norwegian).

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