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Will you be able to cut down the size of your cover letter?

Working in Norway

Try this Twitter tip when writing your next cover letter

Written by Karin Lee Published: Sept. 10 2020

Is this some good news if you’re trying to find a job?...

The latest trend in cover letter writing calls for cutting your word count to 140.

If this reminds you of something, it should, as this is the limit Twitter puts on any writer wanting to post on it.

Why the low number of words?

It’s because hiring managers and recruiters are now reading applications on their ‘mobile devices’ (cell phones) more often than ever before.

Keep it phone friendly

So your cover letter should be written in a ‘mobile device friendly style’.

Yet keep the two points they’ve always been supposed to get across:

  • Telling the reader why you want this particular job
  • Telling the reader why you’re a good fit for this particular job

Here’s what it looks like

What might this new trendy rule look like in practice?

Say I’m applying for a new job as a technical editor at an environmental consulting firm.

My cover letter might read:


 After seeing the Technical Editor posting on your website, I’m applying for this position.

I admire how Green Earth acts as a link between parties tackling environmental issues and would enjoy working with your team members – project managers, authors, editors and formatters – to produce written work that promotes Green Earth’s important work in the environmental consulting field.

 Whenever I’ve worked on editing projects, I’ve noticed that my clients have all had one thing in common – their need to turn complex information into plain language. So that’s how I’ve helped them, knowing I’ve succeeded when they tell me I’ve made their writing clear. I can do the same for your clients.

 Please contact me; I’d be delighted to come in and learn more about your needs as well as share more of my background with you.

All best,

Karin Lee

 Whew! Exactly 140 words. Took some time and effort to cut it down to this size. But I kind of like the result – short and to the point really works for me.

Does this shorter new style work for you?

Go ahead --- give it a try and see! Your reader(s) will be glad you did.

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