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Strong salary growth for Tekna members

Published: Jan. 10 2023

In 2022 Tekna members enjoyed overall strong salary growth; Tekna’s salary survey shows that average private sector salaries rose by 5.6 %.

The past year was a good one for Tekna members with regard to salary. Factors such as low unemployment, increasing prices and a steady demand for technological competency contributed to this strong salary growth.

  • The growth of average salaries in the private sector was 5.6 % (an increase of 3.6 % from 2021).
  • Public sector salary growth was 4.4 % in 2022 (compared to 4.3 % in 2021).
  • Municipal sector salary growth was 4.8 % (compared to 2.7 % in 2021).

– It’s positive that salary growth among Tekna members is strong, especially after several years of only moderate salary growth. Several companies have delivered good results in 2022, and there’s a great demand for technological competency. We can see that this has paid off in the form of salary growth, says Tekna President Lars Olav Grøvik.

Need to educate more people in STEM subjects

The Tekna president believes that this situation also shows the necessity of educating more people in STEM subjects in the future.

- It’s important for companies to be able to recruit and keep key competency. Not least to maintain momentum for the green digital transformation, where new technology and competency are decisive factors for achieving success, he says.  

Recent graduates earn almost NOK 600,000

Last year, Tekna members who had recently graduated and were working in the private sector made an average starting salary of NOK 596,000. An average starting salary in the public sector was NOK 524,000, while in the municipal sector an average starting salary was NOK 589,000.  

- Starting salaries for recent graduates are good and show that there’s a lot of competition out there to attract the best employees. We need more smart people if we’re going to meet future challenges associated with climate change and the environment, energy, healthcare and transportation, says   Grøvik.

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Facts about Tekna’s salary statistics:

  • Tekna’s salary statistics are published annually on tekna.no and provide an overview of Tekna members’ average salary levels
  • These statistics create an important basis for Tekna’s company union representatives and the organization itself as they work to improve members’ salaries and working conditions.  
  • These statistics have been published every year since 1946; this year’s statistics will be the 77th in a row.
  • The survey measures fixed annual salaries and fixed additional pay per 1 October, and gross unpaid bonuses/commissions over the past 12 months.  
  • There were 40,564 Tekna members who answered the survey (a 62% response rate).

Log in to read the statistics in greater detail (For members)

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