2022: Good news: Increased tax deductions for your Tekna dues!
In 2022 you can deduct up to NOK 5,800 of your trade union membership dues.
"This increase strengthens organized employees’ personal finances and makes it easier for them to be a union member," says Helene Johnsen, director of Tekna’s Department of Marketing and Customer Service.
"It’s important to be aware of the fact that you can save a significant amount of money by taking advantage of the bank and insurance deals made by Tekna through extensive negotiations," says Johnsen.
If you’re working and paying the full dues amount, your annual membership dues will be NOK 4,860 in 2022 (an increase of NOK 120 from last year). There are also dues between NOK 144-300 to be paid to your regional office.
So you’ll now be able to deduct your entire dues amount when you file taxes this year. Because of this increased deduction allowance, your dues will actually be more reasonable next year.
Become a member
As a Tekna member, you receive many professional and financial benefits. We may help you with your salary, career and professional development and legal challenges. You get access to one of the country's best banking and insurance deals which can save you a lot of money. Becoming a Tekna member is a good idea!
A lot of savings
“You should check out the banking and insurance offers you can get through your Tekna membership,” says Johnsen.
“Many members find that they save over 10,000 kroner a year when they take advantage of our agreements on mortgages, insurance, and pensions. The fact that you have a trade union backing you up, helping you with salary, career, and professional development, is hard to measure in kroner and øre,” says Johnsen. She also reminds us of the importance of having a union backing you up that looks after your rights in the workplace.
Most affordable when starting out
"If you’re a recent graduate, you get a discount on your Tekna dues the first three years after having completed your Master’s degree," says Johnsen. This plan also includes your local dues, which are discounted at the following rates:
- st year: 75 % discount
- nd year: 50 % discount
- rd year: 25 % discount
- th year: Regular dues (no discount)
If you go directly on to a new study program after completing your Master’s degree, you’ll still be able to pay the student dues rate (provided that you’re working less than 50 percent).
See dues amounts here
Unemployed or laid off?
Tekna gives a full dues waiver to members who have lost their jobs or are laid off and not receiving any remuneration from their employer. If you’re partially or fully laid off, you can get a dues discount.
Other types of dues discounts:
- Married/cohabiting and both are members: Both receive a 25% discount
- Pensioners over age 62: a 75% discount if the sum of their salary/self-employed income in addition to their pension is less than 1 G.
- Doctoral programs, or other higher education programs outside of regular employment status: a 75% discount for a period of up to 4 years
- Disability: Discount equivalent to percentage of disability with a maximum of a 75% discount. (We need a copy of the final decision from NAV in order to be able to give you this discount.)
- Members who are living abroad: a 50% discount that is given automatically when members have a foreign private address
- Full-time entrepreneurs pay 50% of membership dues for up to 2 years after starting up a business. This discount is given for a start-up period of up to 2 years if they’re working less than 50% at a different workplace.
- If you’ve started working after getting your Bachelor’s degree, but plan on getting your Master’s degree within 5 years, you can in certain cases continue to be a Tekna member.
Full dues waiver
- Caregivers on leave who are receiving less than 2/3 salary
- Unemployed individuals
- Individuals who are 100% laid off
- Conscripts (individuals who are compulsorily enrolled in military service)