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Membership qualifications

Do you have a Master’s degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subject?

If you’ve completed a Master's degree comprised of a minimum of 120 credits in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subject, you can submit a standard application.

If you’re a student and plan on completing a Master's degree comprised of a minimum of 120 credits in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subject at the Bachelor's/ Master's degree level, you can become a student member.

If you don’t meet the criteria for membership in Tekna, you might still be accepted as a member by special consideration.

As an employed, regular member the membership dues for 2024 are NOK 5,100 in addition to dues paid to your local branch ranging from NOK 144 to 300.

For students: 300 per year

Recent graduates: 1.275 to 5.100 increasing gradually over 3 years

Members that have lost their job and don't recieve compensation from their employer, can apply for a full exception from the membership fee. For longer periods of unemployement, we may require documentation.

Tax allowance up to 8.000. Tekna reports to the tax authorities how much you have paid in dues each year.


If you’re a student, membership costs only NOK 150 per semester.


If you’re a student, membership costs only NOK 150 per semester.