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Thriving Under Pressure: Strategies for Stress and Success at Work

Gratis og kun for Tekna-medlemmer
Coursenumber: 49542
Contact: Kenneth Stubhaug Karlsen - +4797693557

Do you have a lot to do at work and often feel stressed? This course teaches you the strategies you need to thrive during tough times.

Working under pressure is demanding, especially over time. However, some people thrive best "in stormy seas," while others need predictability and security. With this course, you will gain knowledge and learn from examples that will better prepare you when tasks and challenges pile up at work.

Learning Objectives

  • Stress management

  • How to handle challenges while maintaining energy and balance between work and free time

  • What is the employer's responsibility and what responsibility does the individual have to work effectively under demanding circumstances

The course combines psychological knowledge with examples from the workplace and a good dose of humor.

Food before the course starts

  • From 16:15 til 17:00 food will be served.

Instructor Jan-Martin Berge

Berge is a specialist in clinical psychology with a focus on occupational psychology and further education in cognitive therapy. He is primarily responsible for mental health at Moloklinikken an responsible for mental health service for employees in most Aker-owned companies, such as Aker Solutions and Aker BP.

Additionally, he is a speaker in the genre he calls "academic stand-up" through his own company. Nominated as Speaker of the Year 2024.


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