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Seabed Mapping and Inspection 2024

Limited to 150 delegates

Feb. 7–9Vestlia Resort, GEILO

Welcome to this conference about the growing marked of seabed mapping and join the discussion about future energy solutions.

Forum for technology innovation

The conference is known as the “Geilo” conference and is the preferred international forum for personnel working with mapping and survey in the oil and gas industry as well as projects related to renewables, offshore wind, CO2 storage and minerals

The purpose of the conference is to exchange experiences and know-how amongst technology developers, providers, and practitioner. Connect international expertise and knowledge for future energy solutions and provide world-class knowledge for a sustainable future.

Program 2024 

The necessity to meet and interact is a vital part of industry innovation. Seabed mapping and inspection is increasingly relevant to many industries besided oil and gas,  decades of knowledg and experiences need to be shared in innovative processes.

  • Gain insights into current industry developments and future trends in oil and gas production and new energy markets.
  • Learn from innovative survey operations through improved and new technology.
  • Engage with influential industry experts showcasing their cutting-edge advancements.

Key words from the program;Renewable Energy, Carbon Capture and Storage, Oil and gas, subsea mining, biological resources, state bodies and academia.


Why attend

The conference gathers a great diversity of players and key personnel within. The speakers are the most skilled professionals and will share know-how and experiences, bringing new value to how we understand the industry, both challenges and opportunities ahead, laying in the shift the industry is living.

By attending you will get an insight in what is going on in the industry today and what the future will bring. Three days with professionals learning from each other under the same roof, excellent for networking.

Save your seat today and join us for a transformative experience, shaping the future of the energy sector. 

The number of delegates is limited to 150 delegates
