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Topics 2025 

  • Understand the economic fundamentals and making an economic assessment for produced water management strategies.
  • Looking for low-cost and low-risk solutions in water treatment.
     -Process design of system 44 (PW)
    -Handling solids (particles) in the water treatment facilities - PWRI – water quality and injectivity challenges
    -Available technologies to improve performance of existing equipment.
    -  BAT assessments.
  • Evaluating the options and making choices in treatments and avoid the pitfalls.
    -Fluid assessment /chemical management.
  • Technologies with Technology Readiness Level.

  • How to ensure to meet new regulations and industry standards (regulators and environmental bodies). 
  • Operational case studies and developing a successful water management program.
    - Insight about implementation of strategies used to ensure successful operation. 
  • Digital Aided Operations - AI/Machine Learning Experiences for PW management.
    - How can we use digital data to improve PW management and reliability.
    - PW plant design related to instrumentation and maintenance. 
  • Upstream separation with focus on system impact 
  • Diffuse emissions related to PW
    -Methane, benzene,
