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Nordic+ webinar: The future of Maritime ITS and next steps

Microsoft Teams, Nettbasert
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This event has expired. See our event calendar for future events
May 24 2024
kl. 13:00–14:30
Microsoft Teams, Nettbasert
Cancellation deadline: 5/24/2024
Coursenumber: 47588
Contact: Jenny Simonsen - 95845055

Join us for the launch of the Nordic+ Maritime ITS network, for a collaborative strategic initiative to make Maritime ITS a positive force in multimodal transport! This network will facilitate the sharing of ideas across industry stakeholders and international borders to optimise maritime operations and multimodal connectivity.

The ITS community is committed to promoting an integrated intelligent transport system across all modes and all types of transport. Much focus has so far been on road transport. Still, as maritime transport is critical for the world in terms of efficiency, sustainability and security, thus increasing attention to this mode is necessary.

We will focus on digitalisation, automation, and standardisation, with the aim of developing a maritime ITS architecture that clarifies how different standards and specifications work together across the maritime domain. It will also be crucial to define how this architecture can best be linked to the other transport modes that the maritime sector needs to interface with.

The network’s success will depend on active involvement from the start, so join us on this interactive webinar on May 24th as we set sail together!


You can find the link to the webinar here.

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