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37th International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop

Oct. 22–25 2019Quality Hotel Tønsberg, TØNSBERG

The event is the world’s most recognized event on topics related to accurate flow measurement and metering systems for oil and gas at single phase, wet gas or multiphase conditions. It does also include sampling and online analysis of associated fluid properties.


As organiser we welcome you to the world's most prominent conference on fiscal measurement.

The workshop format is informal and offers a unique opportunity to meet the key players of this industry.

The workshop objective is to discuss the today’s challenges within the fiscal measurement of the oil and gas industry.  Both on practical applications and experience with existing and novel methods and technology.


Program 2019

The need for accuracy, reliability and quality in measurement methods is crucial when it comes to financial invoicing based on allocation or export metering systems.

The need to meet, exchange experience and know-how, in such a forum like this workshop, is essential to bring the industry forward, and meet tomorrow’s requirements.

The technical sessions with oral and poster presentations, along with the manufacturers’ exhibition and session, provide a valuable and creative environment for this purpose.

The workshop provides an excellent opportunity to dive deep into metering equipment and measurement solutions.

Who will attend?

The regular delegate is either coming from national authorities and regulator, operator, manufacturer, research institutions or service and engineering companies. The workshop gathers normally 200-250 delegate from 25 nations.

Major manufacturers and service companies in the oil and gas flow measurement industry will present their products every day during the workshop.

Take this opportunity to get updated on the state-of-the-art technology within oil and gas measurement.

We will be there, will YOU?


