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Tegning av karriere, søknad og CV

CV and cover letter

When you’re going to apply for a job, you’ll need a structured CV and well-written cover letter.

Here you’ll find our helpful advice and tips on how to write these important documents. If you’re a Tekna member, you also have access to exclusive services like CV Builder and CV/cover letter review.

A good cover letter

When you’re going to apply for a job, you’ll need a well-written cover letter.

How to write a CV

When you’re going to apply for a job, you’ll need a structured CV. Here you’ll find our helpful advice and tips on how to write this important document.

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We help you build your CV

Unsure of how to go about creating a good CV and cover letter?
Get the guidance you need by going on Tekna’s CV Builder.  

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CV/cover letter review

If you’re a Tekna member, you have access to the exclusive service to have your CV and/or cover letter reviewed.

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