Tekna’s international work
We’re engaged in international work in several arenas for cooperation and knowledge exchange as well as promotion of our policies.
Tekna’s currently a member of IndustriAll Europe, IndustriAll Global, Nordic IN, Nording and FEANI.
At its 2017 conference (R-møtet), Tekna’s Supervisory Board adopted a resolution stating that Tekna would support a trade union in a developing country. Since then, Tekna’s entered into an agreement through IndustriAll Global to provide financial support for trade unions in Kenya and Uganda. In addition, our internal study’s shown that nearly all of Tekna’s affiliated associations are members of other Nordic, European and/or international organizations.
Tekna’s international cooperation and projects
IndustriAll European Trade Union, often called IndustriAll Europe, or IAE, is a confederation of 180 national trade unions in 38 European countries.
The organization aims to be a powerful political actor in European companies, industries, employers’ associations and institutions. IAE is also a member of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and a partner in IndustriAll Global.
Tekna President Lars Olav Grøvik is a member of IAE’s Executive Committee who, in cooperation with leaders from the other member organizations, adopt important resolutions for this organization. In 2021, IAE established an ad hoc task force on digitalization in response to this field’s rapid political and societal development in Europe. Tekna Vice-President Elisabet Haugsbø is a member of this task force.
Nordic IN is an organization that brings together 19 associations comprised of industrial employees in the Nordic countries of Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Norway.
Nordic Forum is IN’s top decision-making body, and Tekna is represented here by President Lars Olav Grøvik. Tekna also participates in all IN committees with representatives from its General Secretariat. The main committees are: Industrial Policy, Contractual Policy and Corporate Policy (similar to IndustriALL Europe’s groups).
IN’s committees have two primary functions. Firstly, they coordinate, develop and influence IndustriAll Europe’s ongoing work, all of which is based on joint Nordic interests. Secondly, they exchange information about development in the Nordic sectors as well as the legislation that impacts these sectors.
Additionally, Tekna contributes to IN’s coordinating group, which works on both cases to be brought up at IN and IndustriAll Europe’s board meetings and other cross-sectoral issues.
IndustriAll Global Union represents 50 million workers in 140 countries.
This international organization strives to achieve better working conditions and trade union rights for its members. Tekna participates in IGU by showing solidarity and providing support to workers and trade unions in other parts of the world. At the same time, it is advantageous for Tekna that there is a high level of representation from the Nordic countries and Europe, as these trade unions’ interests are increasingly aligning with our own.
Through its membership in IGU, Tekna has a delegate with the right to vote at the IGU convention where, according to tradition, presidents participate on behalf of their trade unions.
At its 2017 conference (R-møtet), Tekna’s Supervisory Board adopted a resolution to consider «adopting» (ie supporting) the creation of a trade union in a developing country where trade unions and the concept of employee rights are starting to evolve.
Since then, Tekna’s entered into an agreement through IndustriAll Global to provide financial support for a development project involving 12 trade unions in Kenya and Uganda. Through its engagement, Tekna is a supporter of strengthening African trade unions’ efforts to increase members’ rights.
Tekna’s financial support has helped fund these trade unions’ daily operations, training of company union representatives, information campaigns and other impactful work. There is also a good possibility that this support will be renewed in connection with Tekna’s work to promote environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Nording is an informal network comprised of nine Nordic engineering organizations. The network’s leadership gathers at Nording’s annual meeting to discuss developments in the Nordic countries and topics of mutual interest in areas like education, technological development, research and working life. Nording represents more than 500,000 Nordic engineers and technologists.
ENGINEERS EUROPE is an organization comprised of national professional bodies that represents engineers in 34 European countries. The organization has 350 member associations working together to increase recognition of European engineering and promote European engineers’ mobility and interests.
Both Tekna and NITO represent Norway in this organization. ENGINEERS EUROPE aims to facilitate mutual recognition of engineering qualifications in Europe and strengthen engineers’ overall positions, roles and areas of responsibility in society. Tekna is represented by its president and vice-president at all formal ENGINEERS EUROPE meetings.