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Tekna Climate

The Tekna Climate network wants to create academically oriented activities focusing on climate. We builds bridges between public/private sectors and individuals working on climate issues at both the national and international levels.


Join the network

Member is both cost-free and commitment-free and is offered exclusively to Tekna members. After joining, you’ll receive emails about relevant activities.

Membership: Send a text to 2007 using the code word TEKNAKLIMA to become a member.

Tekna Climate is open to all Tekna members interested in or working on climate- related topics. We focus on causes of climate change, local and global consequences and adaptation strategies, climate technology and other related issues in energy and the environment.

Due to the ocean’s thermal inertia, there’s also good reason to believe that climate change will advance, even if climate emissions were to stop immediately. As a result, society will have to adapt to a new climate; it’s important to use scientific and technological insights during this adaptation. This includes many disciplines and industries that can benefit from one another through common meeting places, knowledge exchange and networking.

Tekna Climate wants to

  • Work for climate research communication based on facts.
  • Create a dialogue about the opportunities in climate technology and promote an exchange of information and experience.
  • Establish networks by organizing meetings, courses and seminars in collaboration with other participants working on climate issues.
  • Create international collaboration with groups and associations in Europe and elsewhere in the world.
  • Organize cutting-edge professional seminars and facilitate constructive debates based on facts and scientific norms.

The Tekna Climate board


Anne Cathrine Strande Straube

Anne Cathrine Strande Straube

[email protected]@tekna.no Tel: +4748069306